Importance of sleep for new mums
First Time Mum's Chat podcast


143: The Importance of Sleep For New Mums

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Disclaimer – This podcast is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please contact a medical practitioner if you are concerned and have any medical issue.

I cannot emphasise enough, the importance of sleep for mums. As a mum or new parent, you’re no stranger to being overwhelmed and exhausted from a lack of sleep and sleep deprivation, right? During the history of the podcast, I’ve chatted with many wonderful ladies who have shared their expertise and experiences, and I’ve also spoken about the importance of sleep as well.

Many of the parents that come to learn baby massage from me, recognise the importance of sleep both for their little one and themselves.

Well, in this week’s episode, I’m focusing on the importance of sleep to you instead of your little one. Why? Well, sleep refreshes your mind and repairs your body, so it’s extremely important. I’m going to share tips and ideas to support yourself to ensure you do not succumb to sleep exhaustion and/or sleep deprivation.

Links to Sleep Articles Mentioned During the Episode

During the episode I mentioned several articles relating to the importance of sleep and the links are below:-

A Selection of First Time Mum’s Chat Episodes Relating to Infant Sleep Challenges

Please click on the links below to visit these episode pages and to listen to the episodes.

  1. Holistic Sleep Remedies – Tips to Help Improve Baby’s Sleep – with Meredith Brough.
  2. How Can Baby Massage Help Sleep.
  3. Easing the Stress – How to Get a Toddler to Sleep Better – with Kim Davis.

A Selection of First Time Mum’s Chat Episodes Where I Have Interviewed Postpartum Doulas

Read Episode Transcript Here

Introduction to Baby Massage

Find out about the wonderful world of baby massage and the many ways it can help you and your little one in this 17 minute video presentation.

Struggling to Get Your Newborn to Sleep?

Mom, you can feel less tired, less stressed and have a happier, more contented little one who sleeps better!

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