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Disclaimer – This podcast is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please contact a medical practitioner if you are concerned and have any medical issue.
I’ve spoken with a number of wonderful women on First Time Mum’s Chat who help women during their 4th trimester including lactation consultants and doulas and I’ve included links to some of these patient centered care episodes below.
This week’s guest Dr. Cindy Rubin is a general pediatrician, international board certified lactation consultant and breastfeeding medicine specialist who focuses on 4th trimester care.
Dr. Cindy is disillusioned with the tight time limits that the American insurance system imposes on doctors because she is so passionate about providing patient centered care. This led her to take the step to operate her practice outside the US insurance system so that she can provide quality 4th trimester care without the clock constantly ticking!
During our chat you’ll hear Dr. Cindy talk about:-
- The many benefits of patient centered care provided by a pediatrician who visits your home during the 4th trimester which for many moms is a particularly challenging time.
- An explanation on the causes of biting during breastfeeding and ways to help ease this.
- What she offers parents in the Chicagoland area during the first 6 weeks after your little one is born.
And much more…
Links Mentioned in the Episode
- In Touch Pediatrics and Lactation website.
- In Touch Peds & Lactation on Instagram.
- In Touch Pediatrics and Lactation Facebook page.
- In Touch Pediatrics and Lactation YouTube channel.
A Selection of Other First Time Mum’s Chat Episodes Relating to 4th Trimester Care
About Dr. Cindy Rubin
Dr. Rubin is a general pediatrician and breastfeeding medicine specialist practicing in the Chicagoland area in the United States.
She worked at a large academic center as an outpatient general pediatrician for 13 years before opening her new Direct Care practice, In Touch Pediatrics and Lactation. Dr. Rubin loves providing care in patients’ homes, when and where they need it most! Her personal journeys with postpartum and breastfeeding led her to focus on improving care in this field for everyone! She offers physician-level lactation consults, in-home postpartum pediatric and lactation packages, and general pediatrics memberships in the Chicagoland area.
She continues to be involved in teaching medical students as the adviser for her Breastfeeding and Lactation 4th Year Elective, and she serves as the Co-Chair for the Committee on Breastfeeding for the Illinois chapter of the AAP. She is also a founding board member of the North American Board of Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine.