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Nearly all of the moms that I speak with feel guilty that they are either not doing enough as a parent or that they aren’t getting things right with their little one.
Guilt can be very destructive when left untreated and it’s important to learn to eliminate guilt and shame in your life so you can be fully present to take care of your little one and move on!
In this week’s podcast I speak with Alysia Lyons who is a mom’s support coach. Alysia talks all about guilt and encourages you to examine your beliefs and how they might not be serving you. You’ll hear some great tips and examples from Alysia in this episode.
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Links Mentioned in the Episode
About Alysia Lyons
Alysia Lyons is a mom first, life coach and author second. She is passionate about helping moms enjoy every day, love on their kids more and feel freedom with their time.
She has her Bachelor of Science in Business Management and is a certified Master Neuro-Transformational Life Coach. Alysia guides her clients through long-lasting neurological shifts to help ease their guilt and increase their emotional freedom.
She posts weekly blogs and podcast episodes on her website which focus on relationships, mom guilt, communication and lessons she has learned throughout her daily life.