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There are lots of myths surrounding the terrible twos that I am constantly reminded of by parents. Many of the parents that I meet view the terrible twos as some sort of stage or milestone that they will inevitably face and be challenged with!
I’ve worked with numerous babies and toddlers over many years and I can assure you there is no magical behaviour change that occurs when that clock strikes midnight and their second birthday begins!
Every child develops at their own pace and what may be true for some may not apply to others. Why should we expect every child to be the same?
Children are learning all the time and there are going to be challenging times no matter what their temperament.
Perhaps a more positive way to look at the terrible twos is part of your child’s learning journey where they are experimenting and learning about their boundaries for the first time!
In this episode you’ll learn tips on how to view and handle the terrible twos in a more positive way.